You're Invited!

We can't wait to see you at one of our 2 locations this Sunday:
3rd Annual Chili Cook-off
Saturday, March 29 at 5:30pm

Our new date for our Chili Cook-off is Saturday, March 29 at 5:30pm, followed by our Worship Night at 7pm. Please join us for a delicious chili dinner and a night of worship and prayer. If you want to enter our contest and submit your best chili, please sign up below!

Submit your chili here!
Night of Worship
Saturday, March 29 at 7pm

Everyone is welcome to join us for a chili dinner (5:30pm) and then our worship night on Saturday, March 29 at 7pm. SAVE THE DATE!

Alpha Youth Series
February 24 - April 14 (8 weeks)

Alpha is an amazing series for young people (grades 6-12) to explore life, faith, and purpose together. This will run for 8 weeks during our normal Monday youth programming from 6:30-8pm, through March break, and end just before Easter weekend. Each night will have games, videos, discussion, and snacks. Tell us you're coming or invite someone by clicking the button below!

You're invited to Alpha Youth